Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Take Control of Your Health | What Matters Most
Supported by Allina Health

Heart Health | People sharing stories about recognizing, treating and managing heart valve disease. Find out more about Taking Control of your heart health here.

Diabetes | People sharing strategies and insights about preventing and managing diabetes. Find out more about Taking Control of Diabetes here.

Caregiving Conversations | Caregivers discuss the challenges of caring for a loved one with a serious diagnosis or in the last stages of life

What Matters Most | Family members discuss facing a loved one’s serious illness with an open heart and loving support

What Matters Most: Sharing Responsibility of Care

Armando appreciates how his family members came together to share responsibilities and support his mother, in her last days.

What Matters Most: It’s a Team Effort

Alice talks about caregiving as a team effort among family members, in order to support each other.

What Matters Most: Maintaining Patient’s Pride

Alice recalls the importance of helping keep her mother’s pride and integrity intact, even as her health declined.

What Matters Most: Ask for What You Need

Michelle stresses the value of having a care conference with health care providers and family members, to help get what you need.

What Matters Most: Open Communication is Key

Sunny shares about how talking with others is key to support, when family members face serious illness.

What Matters Most: Remembering the Good

Sunny reflects on how speaking about a loved one after they pass, helps comfort surviving family members.

What Matters Most: Putting Own Feelings Aside

Colin reflects on how he had to put his own feelings aside, as he cared for loved one dying of cancer.

What Matters Most: Hard to Let Go

Colin shares how asking the Creator to take his father, was one of the hardest thing he has ever done.

What Matters Most: Making Informed Decisions

Narin talks about the importance of taking time to seek help from an interpreter, when making serious decisions about treatment and care for a loved one.

What Matters Most: Difficult Emotions Around Loss

Narin speaks about how caregiving includes looking after surviving elderly relatives, following the loss of a family member.

Supported by...

McKnight FoundationMN Legacy