Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Take Control of Your Health | What Matters Most
Supported by Allina Health

Heart Health | People sharing stories about recognizing, treating and managing heart valve disease. Find out more about Taking Control of your heart health here.

Diabetes | People sharing strategies and insights about preventing and managing diabetes. Find out more about Taking Control of Diabetes here.

Caregiving Conversations | Caregivers discuss the challenges of caring for a loved one with a serious diagnosis or in the last stages of life

What Matters Most | Family members discuss facing a loved one’s serious illness with an open heart and loving support

What Matters Most: Live with Your Decisions

Janice reflects on how she had struggled to choose between completing school and caregiving, when her father faced his final days.

What Matters Most: Learning to Honor Wishes

Janice shares how she learned a lot about honoring wishes, while supporting a co-worker who was facing terminal illness.

What Matters Most: Respecting Parents’ Wishes

Susana stresses the importance of having the hard conversations with parents and their wishes about care, when facing serious illness.

What Matters Most: Facing Change is Hard

Susana shares how separating from families is hard for everyone, when elders need more intensive care.

What Matters Most: Listening Guides Plan

Sandra speaks on the importance of listening to family member facing illness, to learn what matters most when making plans for treatment.

What Matters Most: Everyone Pitches In

Souvanh shares how in Laotian culture, everyone pitches in with help and support, when a loved one dies.

What Matters Most: Explanations Dispel Worries

Souvanh talks about how a language barrier increased his mother’s worries and concerns, and explanations offered important relief.

What Matters Most: Talking about Death

Timothy reflects on how some people prefer not to speak about death, even as they face the end of their life.

What Matters Most: The Connection of Caring

Timothy speaks about how caring for someone in their final days, can create a lasting connection.

What Matters Most: Taking Turns Being Present

Richard speaks about the bonding and deep value of spending time with a terminally-ill loved one.

Supported by...

McKnight FoundationMN Legacy