Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Value Our Traditions/Sacred Tobacco a radio series about reclaiming and honoring traditional American Indian tobacco
Supported by ClearWay Minnesota
In these short radio segments, we feature American Indians from Minnesota, sharing their personal experiences and challenges of quitting commercial tobacco, reclaiming sacred tobacco and honoring their heritage.

A Bad Health Scare Made Him Quit

Lew grew up with tobacco, started smoking as a teen.  But he finally quit after becoming very sick and ending up in ICU, with a life-threatening illness.

Outlawed Sacred Practices Went Underground

Dennis believes the one way to become a healthy people, is through the culture.  He says practicing Native traditions out in the open now, is very healing.

Deciding Not to be A Smoker Anymore

Mary speaks about how she quit smoking: she just decided she was done, she was not a going to be a smoker anymore.  Once she made up her mind, she says it surprisingly easy.

Heartbreaking to See Someone Suffer

Marilyn from White Earth, says she stays away from commercial tobacco, by remembering how awful it is to see a loved one struggling for their breath.

Saying Thanks to Creator

Adrian, a smoker, explains how using tobacco for Sacred purposes is completely different. He shares how he uses tobacco for praying and expressing gratitude.

I Don’t Want to Lose My Friends!

Linda speaks about how smoking is a huge problem, leading to COPD and other health problems. And she shares how terrible it is to lose the people around you.

Staying Healthy for Grandchilden

Danielle says she began smoking cigarettes to handle stress but notes that it does not reduce her stress.  Now, she wants to quit, so she can be there for her grandchildren.

Finally Putting Cigarettes Down

Even after Ronald watched his relatives suffer from lung cancer, he says he still found it hard to quit, but he finally did.

Grandfather’s Spiritual Example

When Leech Lake member Adrian saw his Grandpa offer tobacco and talk with the bears, it changed his life.

Your Relationship with Traditional Tobacco

Indie, who works as a smoking cessation counselor, notes that everyone’s relationship with traditional tobacco is different.  Some people are more connected, and some people don’t know much about Sacred Tobacco.

Supported by...

McKnight FoundationMN Legacy