Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Veterans' Voices | Veterans’ Voices: Leech Lake

Untold Stories | Memories and Stories of Minnesota Veterans from many era’s of service

Veterans' Voices: Leech Lake | Memories and stories of military veterans from the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

The Secret War | Featuring the some of the stories of Minnesota Hmong Veterans in the Secret War of Laos

Minnesota in the Vietnam War | Stories of Minnesotans in the Vietnam War

Minnesota in World War I | Stories of Minnesotans in World War I

Minnesota in World War II | Stories of Minnesotans in World War II

Veterans' Voices: Rochester | Veterans’ Voices is a radio series exploring the knowledge, experience and leadership of Rochester service members. Veterans’ Voices is a radio series exploring the knowledge, experience and leadership of Rochester service members. Hosted by Britt Aamodt Veteran’ Voices is produced by KRPR and Ampers.

Korea | Memories and stories from Minnesota’s Korean War Veterans

Veterans' Voices Korea Podcast | Extended podcast versions of interviews with some of the Minnesota Veterans of the Korean War featured in our radio series Veteran’s Voices Korea. Made possible by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage fund.

World War II | first-hand accounts of what it was like to serve in WWII

Native Warriors | Native American veterans explain why protecting our land and resources is an important part of Native culture and traditions

Vietnam | Stories and memories of Minnesota’s Vietnam veterans

Veterans' Voices Vietnam Podcast | Extended podcast versions of Kevyn Burger’s interviews with some of the Minnesota Vietnam Veterans featured in our radio series

Roger Sayles

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Theodora Redwing didn’t like the sight of blood. But one night, when she was working guard duty for the Navy, a girl cut her wrists and Theodora had to act fast.

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Theodora Redwing was a yeoman in the Navy. She trained female recruits and tested them to see what job they could do. And if the recruits didn’t salute her, it was her job to remind them.

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Theodora Redwing went to Navy boot camp at the Naval Training Center in Bainbridge, Maryland. Back then, training wasn’t coed. For female recruits, training wasn’t guns but marching, swimming and book learning.

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Theodora Redwing was working at Northern States Power in Minneapolis, making photocopies all day long, day after day. There has to be more to life than this. So she joined the Navy.

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Glen Cloud, Navy, worked the mailroom on the USS Oklahoma City during the Vietnam War. When he took the ship’s helicopter to Vietnam for mail deliveries, he had to man the door gun against enemy ground fire.

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Aboard the Navy’s USS Oklahoma City, Glen Cloud was initially sent to work in the mess deck. There he helped serve four meals a day to a crew of 1,200.

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For his first duty station in the Navy, Glen Cloud was sent to Yokohama in Japan. He was assigned to the post office and delivered mail in a two-and-a-half-ton truck.

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Glen Cloud went to San Diego for Navy basic training in 1971. One of the punishments for falling asleep in class was the marching party. But Cloud would join it even if he wasn’t in trouble to get some extra exercise. Here’s Britt Aamodt.

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Glen Cloud joined the Navy during the Vietnam War. The day after arriving at Worm Island for boot camp, he was woken up by yelling sergeants and trashcan lids. Here’s Britt Aamodt.

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Rebekay Fineday discusses wars/every tour duty while serving 8 years in the Air Forces

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McKnight FoundationMN Legacy