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Search Results for "Diabetes"

You Are What You Eat

Jama talks about the challenge of facing diabetes, a disease no one in his family ever experienced.

Treatments: A Leap Ahead

Joanne talks about how advances in treating diabetes put her son in a far better position, than what her grandfather faced.

I Wish I knew Sooner

Stephen wishes he knew he was at risk for diabetes, so he could have focused on prevention.

“I was really angry”

Piper talks about overcoming her anger at having diabetes, and how it inspired her to help others do the same.

Staying True to Yourself

Phoebe knows she must take care of her diabetes, but she does not let it define her identity.

No Quick Fix!

Norma shares how managing her diabetes is a life-long process.

Raising Awareness Special

In this episode of Real College Podcast we take a trip inside Minneapolis public schools to see how the pandemic has affected education inequalities, have conversations with domestic violence professionals, take a look at how eating disorders affect our society, a dive into diabetes and the food culture of the midwest, increasing musical diversity here at the U, and an extra special installment of Radio K sports!

Additional Links:
Violence Free MN-https://www.vfmn.org
What To Say-https://www.whattosaynow.org
Pretty Simple Boutique-https://prettysimpleme.com
Library Loan Catalougue-https://mnlink.org/

1:31-Public Schools-Isaac Maruyama
7:33-Domestic Violence-Emma Morris & Casey McCabe
30:38-Eating Disorders-Shannon Brault
37:21-Diabetes-Kasey Salazar
44:07-Music Diversity-Ethan Olson
52:51-Radio K Sports-Jason Rutman

Ampers names new CEO and Program Director

…start talking about and planning for late life care and decisions,” Glaser said. He added, “And, for our diabetes prevention and education campaign we are taking a truly unique approach…

Boom, You Have it!

Will shares his feelings about the initial shock of his diabetes diagnosis.

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Tammy advises people with diabetes to practice self-acceptance and make small goals, so they can add up to big lifestyle changes.