Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Take Control of Your Health | Diabetes
Supported by Medtronic Foundation and UCare

Heart Health | People sharing stories about recognizing, treating and managing heart valve disease. Find out more about Taking Control of your heart health here.

Diabetes | People sharing strategies and insights about preventing and managing diabetes. Find out more about Taking Control of Diabetes here.

Caregiving Conversations | Caregivers discuss the challenges of caring for a loved one with a serious diagnosis or in the last stages of life

What Matters Most | Family members discuss facing a loved one’s serious illness with an open heart and loving support

Don’t Stick with Status Quo

Keith shares how there are always things outside of your control, so managing your health takes diligence.

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

Tammy advises people with diabetes to practice self-acceptance and make small goals, so they can add up to big lifestyle changes.

It Will Never Happen to Me!

Tammy talks about how she had to overcome her own denial, stereotypes, and fears about managing diabetes.

Facing the Reality of Diabetes

Will talks about some of the ways he manages his food plan, so he can have his cake and eat it too.

Stress Can Make Diabetes Worse

Kay talks about how she manages her stress level, in order to help manager her diabetes.

Family History Raises Risk

Roger shares the pep talk he gives himself about managing his diabetes.

Boom, You Have it!

Will shares his feelings about the initial shock of his diabetes diagnosis.

Awareness is Part of the Struggle

Roger shares how mindfulness helps him keep on track with his goals for healthy eating and exercise.

Don’t Panic, But Make Changes

Kay shares how senior yoga helps her in many ways, including managing her diabetes.

Bad Habits Can be Hard to Break

Kathy says she found switching from cola to mineral water was an easy change to make.

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McKnight FoundationMN Legacy