Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border


It Takes Courage to Make a Change

Donny speaks about his job at the White Earth Addiction Program, and how he helps people understand more what about what the nicotine does to the body, to the heart and lungs.  He suggests finding a hobby to help relax and handle stress differently.


It feels Good to Put Out Tobacco

Chris from White Earth used Sacred Tobacco when he attended Circle of Life School.  He shares how he was taught to use tobacco in ceremony, how it is a medicine and a gift, and how not to abuse it.


Finding the Way of the Good Life

Kenneth speaks about how he did not learn about traditional teachings until he was 11-year-old.  But then his teachers showed him how offering tobacco fits into the way of the good life.


Smoke of Sacred Tobacco Connects to Spirit World

Ronald shares how he uses Sacred Tobacco to pray and notes how doing so just make you feel better. When he attends a funeral ceremony he brings a bag of tobacco to share with others, because it is a natural thing to do.



The Pain of Losing A Loved One

Michael shares his grief and sadness over losing his father-in-law to smoking-related health issues.  Michael says it was devastating to lose such an admired and great man.


Her Calling is Working on Tobacco Issues and Smoking Cessation

Gina knew her job was calling her name. In her work, Gina educates people about prevention, how to quit smoking, and creating policies that support health and wellbeing.


Readiness to Quit Can Happen Anytime

Indie speaks about how you got to be ready to quit commercial tobacco before it can work. And everyone goes at their own pace. But that readiness can happen at any time


The Creator Gave Us Our Tobacco as a Communication Tool

Lew shares how when you want something, you offer tobacco.  When you take something, you offer tobacco.   The smoke carries our prayers up to the Creator.


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McKnight FoundationMN Legacy