Minnesota Contributions to WWII
Lesson Duration: 55 Min
Materials Needed:
Condensed overview of WWII video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUqy-OQvVtI
District technology: iPads, Chromebooks, Computer Lab
Poster making supplies: makers, board, glue, etc.
Lesson Description:
This lesson teaches students about the contributions of Minnesota and its people to WWII. Students will be given a brief history of the war and then given the opportunity to hear personal stories of people who were there or helped in the war effort. Students will then be able to create a profile of that person in poster form.
MN 2011 Social Studies Standard/Benchmark: Identify contributions of Minnesota and its people to World War II? describe the impact of the war on the home front and Minnesota society after the war. (The Great Depression and World War II: 19201945)
Goal: Learning targets/objectives/”I can” statements:
- I can understand a brief history of WWII.
- I can identify a contribution of Minnesota to the WWII war effort.
- I can create a poster describing a contribution of Minnesota to WWII.
Access Prior knowledge: 10 minutes
To start the lesson, create a “what we know” forum. Write “WWII” in the center of the board with a circle drawn around it. Then ask students to tell you what they know about the war. You are creating a concept web illustrating the knowledge of your students in regards to WWII. As students share, write down their feedback as the facts/ events connect to WWII and each other. Use your knowledge of the war to organize it and elaborate upon when necessary. After the feedback from students starts to slow, pose the question, where does Minnesota fit into all of this? Did any of these events affect Minnesota and its people? If students are finding it hard to make connections, ask students if WWII happened today, how would it impact themselves and Minnesota?
New Information: 10 Minutes.
Then project a short video giving a condensed overview of WWII as it played out domestically and abroad. Add any new and important information to the concept web on the board. Ask students if they have any new ideas of how Minnesota was affected by WWII. You are trying to get students to realize that war affects everyone, and to make war happen, an entire nation’s people, resources, and production have to contribute even if there are little to no famous connections to a particular place or person.