Community Health Conversations:Hosted by Leah Lemm and Dr. Antony Stately, CEO of the Native American Community Clinic, these half-hour shows featured Native American healthcare workers, community leaders, & others talking about what needs to be done to stay safe, dispel myths, address vaccine hesitancy, historical trauma, address recovery from the pandemic, and address other concerns in Indian Country including the mental health & substance abuse crisis.

Stories from the Community (Peer-to-Peer Segments): AMPERS ‘ radio peer-to-peer segments expand our current statewide campaign reaching American Indians living on & off tribal reservations, African Americans, & those living with a disability. These personal & impactful segments air more than 2,100 times statewide on 15 AMPERS stations. These segments address vaccine hesitancy, testing, recovery resources, mental health, how to stay safe, dispel myths & more.
Katie part 1
Katie part 2
Dufe part 1
Dufte part 2

Healthcare Worker Diaries: Healthcare workers have been slammed by the pandemic. They also have incredible stories to share. In our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Healthcare Worker Diary segments, listeners get first-hand accounts of what it was like during the height of the pandemic & what they are seeing & treating now. The 2-minute segments will motivate listeners to take steps to protect themselves from & care for themselves & others if they get COVID. Special thanks to the Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers for their partnership in this project.

Elder Health Advice: Native American Elders are viewed as mentors, teachers, and intergenerational transmitters of knowledge. The elders interviewed for these segments will not give medical advice but will draw on personal experiences, culture, and history to help reinforce Minnesota Department of Health information.