17 Unique Stations from Border to Border
Leech Lake gets a new Chairman, Dan Brown is sworn in.
Rich Robinson is Leech Lake’s New Executive Director although he might have never dreamed of it.
Adams is an exceptional Student in her class. Debbie Adams 23, Cass Lake has the odds.
Debahjimon took a backward glance at 1986.
The United States first became involved in the education.
In talking about the history you can’t separate the culture from it.
Grant Frashier visits the Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park and takes the tour traveling 1/2 mile underground.
Along time ago, the dogs would meet in the lodge.
In 1903 Shaynowishkung was removed from Bemidji.
In 1899 squatters illegally squatted on allotment land in Cass Lake.