Diverse Radio for Minnesota’s Communities

17 Unique Stations from Border to Border

Minnesota Arts, Culture and History | Arts

Mesabi Outdoor Adventures, Virginia, MN

Mesabi Outdoor Adventures will be hosting a winter camping preparation training at the Minnesota Discovery Center Thursday January 30th followed by a group trip February 1st. Grant Frashier talked with Bret Alexander to learn more.

History of the Arctic Cat Snowmobile: Roger Skime Part 3

This is the last of a three-part visit with Roger Skime. Roger was part of the Arctic Cat engineering team in Thief River Falls for 57 years, having been hired by company founder Edgar Hetteen in 1962.

History of the Arctic Cat Snowmobile: Roger Skime Part 2

This is the second of a three-part visit with Roger Skime. Roger was part of the Arctic Cat engineering team in Thief River Falls for 57 years, having been hired by company founder Edgar Hetteen in 1962.

History of the Arctic Cat Snowmobile: Roger Skime Part 1

This is the first of a three-part visit with Roger Skime. Roger was part of the Arctic Cat engineering team in Thief River Falls for 57 years, having been hired by company founder Edgar Hetteen in 1962.

Christopher Ingraham’s “If You Lived Here You’d Be Home By Now.”

Washington Post reporter and new Minnesota transplant, Christopher Ingram has written a book about his family’s transition from the east coast to rural Minnesota. His new book is “If You Live Here You’d Be Home By Now.” Tammy Bobrowsky reviews the book and we hear from Christopher as well.

Interview: Chad Dundas on “The Blaze.”

Chad Dundas has a second novel published, it’s called “The Blaze,” a thrilling mystery taking place in Montana.

The Caldecott & Newbery Awards for Excellence in Children’s Literature.

Children’s Librarian Tracy Kampa tells us about these prestigious awards.

Interview: Megan Angelo on her debut novel “Followers.”

Writer Megan Angelo tells us about her debut novel “Followers.”

Interview: Lisa Gardner on her new book, “When You See Me.”

New York Times Best selling author Lisa Gardner tells us about her new psychological thriller “When You See Me.”

Roseau, MN Schools Have a “Sound” Solution!

Kelsey Johns, Assistant Principle at Roseau (MN) High School coordinates the Art & Drama programs at the school and with the help of the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council, Roseau High School was able to “beef up” and integral part of their curriculum.

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